Course material Download

The individual lecture and semester documents are availabe in Moodle since the summer semester of 2017. The login credentials will be sent by mail at the beginning of the semester or announced in the first session of the respective course.

Information for Psychology students


Bachelor and Master students

Current curricula for the B. Sc. and M. Sc. Psychology including courses from the Biopsychology Department can be found here. (german)

Seminar Registration:

Regristation for seminars is available via eCampus. (german)

Information for subsidiary (Nebenfach) students at Biopsychology

Information and requirements

Information sheet for subsidiary students (Nebenfachstudierende) enrolled in Biology/Biochemistry and Medicine. (german)



Biology/Biochemistry and Medicine subsidiary students please email Anil Bayindir. This email should contain: Name, subject, matriculation number, number of seminars you would like to attend and seminar titles in the order you would like to attend them.