Farewell to Gesa


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Gesa Berretz was a cornerstone of the lab and an iconic image with her colorful hairs, her Halloween outfits, and her witty charm. But at the same time, Gesa is an incredibly successful young scientist with close to 20 papers in top international journals that collect heaps of citations. Now she received a DFG grant to join the lab of Bernhard Englitz as a postdoc at Donders (Radboud University, Netherlands). But Gesa’s leave has a second implication: This now is the official end of the human group that started in 1993 and was outstandingly successful. Jointly, we changed the academic view on the mechanisms of brain asymmetries and, in close cooperation with the pigeon group, shaped a biopsychological perception on lateralization that is truly evolutionary and mechanistic. Gesa, we will miss you!  All the very best.

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Gesa Berretz was a cornerstone of the lab and an iconic image with her colorful hairs, her Halloween outfits, and her witty charm. But at the same time, Gesa is an incredibly successful young scientist with close to 20 papers in top international journals that collect heaps of citations. Now she received a DFG grant to join the lab of Bernhard Englitz as a postdoc at Donders (Radboud University, Netherlands). But Gesa’s leave has a second implication: This now is the official end of the human group that started in 1993 and was outstandingly successful. Jointly, we changed the academic view on the mechanisms of brain asymmetries and, in close cooperation with the pigeon group, shaped a biopsychological perception on lateralization that is truly evolutionary and mechanistic. Gesa, we will miss you!  All the very best.